Grimpeur (climber)

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Révision datée du 19 décembre 2014 à 16:28 par Slimseig (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « Grimpeur est la compétence qui permet aux créatures de grimper. Un niveau plus élevé permet de changer le statut "en vol" (chute, saut ou en étant poussé en arrière... »)
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Grimpeur est la compétence qui permet aux créatures de grimper. Un niveau plus élevé permet de changer le statut "en vol" (chute, saut ou en étant poussé en arrière) en se retenant à quelque chose, et réduit le risque de chute pendant l'escalade.

Climber is a skill which allows a creature to climb. Higher levels improve the chances of successfully stopping the "In flight" status (falling, jumping or being knocked back) by holding onto something and decrease the chance of losing hold when climbing.

Trees and 1 z-level tall cliffs and buildings are always safe to climb. Unskilled climbers will often lose hold when attempting to climb walls (not trees) while "In air" - at least 1 z-level above floor.

Climbing requires at least one free body part with [GRASP] tag (usually hand). Some creatures such as cats and giant cave spiders have a [STANCE_CLIMBER] tag and use [STANCE] parts (legs) instead. Starting climbing is not possible while prone, but "In flight" and "In air" statuses override proneness.

Climbing speed does not depend on stats or skills. Some creatures (notably giant cave spiders) can climb as fast as they walk.

Climbing surface

Climbing block walls (even at floor level) and attempting to stop flight by grabbing onto anything will improve climbing skill regardless of success.

Climbing trees, rough-hewn natural stone, soil, or constructions made of raw material is easiest and is worth 5 exp when attempting to grab while flying.

Climbing block walls is harder, but possible, and is worth 5 exp when climbing and 10 exp when attempting to grab while flying.

Climbing smoothed natural stone is impossible.